Hey there, I'm Eric!

Just chasing the wind...

Welcome. Thanks for dropping by. Check out the rest of the site for my projects and more!


Check out some of my favorite projects below.


A playful and interactive platform where users can chat with a friendly AI chatbot, enjoy some tunes, or explore educational content. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a dynamic frontend, and powered by Python with Flask and Hugging Face Transformers for the chatbot backend.

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Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic

Built ML models (Random Forest, XGBoost, LightGBM, Neural Networks) to detect cyber-attacks using UNSW-NB15. Compared precision/recall to reduce false positives, addressed class imbalance, and focused on feature engineering.

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Best Sellers Analysis

Time-series analysis of genres, NLP-based exploration of reviews, K-means clustering to identify market segments, and regression modeling to link user ratings with reviews and pricing.

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Centrality Measures in Networks

Explored leadership-level diversity (ethnicity, gender, age) and network centrality metrics for 1,500 firms (15 years), correlating them with stock returns. Data from ISS, CRSP, and COMPUSTAT.

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Housing Prices Prediction

Predicts house prices by stacking models (LightGBM, XGBoost, Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, CatBoost). Demonstrates data preprocessing, feature engineering, hyperparameter tuning, and ensemble learning.

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Panel Data Analysis

Investigated relationships between investment, capital structure, and firm performance via panel data. Employed winsorization and regressions with lag/lead variables, ensuring robustness with the Wooldridge Exogeneity Test.

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Built a website and online storefront for a printing shop in the Bay Area. Fully integrated with the stores point of sale and administrative systems.

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Sudoku Linear Programming

Designed and implemented a linear programming solution using Gurobi to efficiently solve standard and variant Sudoku puzzles, including 3D, diagonal, and Killer Sudoku, by developing optimization models with complex constraints.

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CBA-to-NBA Performance Correlation

Used PCA on college (CBA) player stats to see correlation with NBA scoring. Spearman/Pearson tests showed statistically significant relationships, albeit low-level correlations.

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Amber India Restaurant Case Study

Optimized a $5 million ad budget using linear programming. Devised a demand management model for popular beverages, balancing raw material costs, spoilage, and profit.

About Me

Work Icon

Work Experience: My journey includes roles at Vanguard and Lifo.ai, where I've tackled financial models, data analytics strategies, and helped streamline business development.

Crypto Icon

SPI Energy: Delved into cryptocurrency miner solutions, aiding strategic decision-making with data analysis. Learned about the evolving energy market and blockchain tech.

Book Icon

Favorite Reads: "There Is No Antimemetics Division," "Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy," and "Strangers from a Different Shore" fuel my imagination and expand my worldview.

Controller Icon

Gaming Interests: Whether battling in Elden Ring, building empires in Civilization VI, or theorycrafting in Path of Exile, gaming is a creative outlet that challenges my strategic thinking.

Garden Icon

Volunteering: At Berkeley’s Community Garden, I’ve done everything from mulching to planting. It’s a hands-on way to give back and cultivate green spaces.

Academic Icon

Academic Achievements: Santa Clara University (Business Analytics), UC Berkeley (Cognitive Science), UC Berkeley ML & AI Certificate.

Tennis Icon

Tennis Passion: I've played tennis my whole life and still train regularly. It's taught me discipline, strategy, and the value of continuous improvement.

Music Icon

Music & Production: After a lifetime of playing piano and guitar, I dove into music production. I love experimenting with beats and melodies—peek the SoundCloud link in the corner!


My thoughts on anything...
